Captain America: The First Avenger
Steve Rogers, a rejected military soldier, transforms into Captain America after taking a dose of a “Super-Soldier serum”. But being Captain America comes at a price as he attempts to take down a war monger and a terrorist organization.
(Source: IMDB)
"Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier, but a good man."
Dr. Erskine Tweet
Captain America
Steve Rogers
Red Skull

- Origin story

Creator Cameo:
Stan Lee
Villain's plot:
While Hitler was focused on winning the war through force, the Red Skull wanted to win with supernatural methods.
My favorite moment was Steve jumping on the grenade, but the most heroic was him chasing down the German assassin.
I’ll admit, I famously didn’t think this was a good choice.
I was wrong.
Comic accurate, though I don’t care for this particular one.
It has to say something about the quality of these movies that it’s so good, and still only the third best in the series.