An alien orphan is sent from his dying planet to Earth, where he grows up to become his adoptive home’s first and greatest superhero.
(Source: IMDB)
"They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you... my only son."
Jor-El Tweet
Clark Kent
Lex Luthor

- Origin story
Villain's plot:
Lex Luthor’s plan is to cause an earthquake along the San Andreas Fault, so that all of the desert land he has purchased in the southwest will become beachfront property once California sinks into the ocean.
Hands down, it’s the moment he saves Lois from falling and catches the helicopter. It’s the world’s introduction to Superman, and one of my favorite moments in film.
Best Superman.
Best Clark Kent.
No questions.
Comic accurate for the time, and Christopher Reeve made it look good.
When that John Williams hits…
One of my favorite superhero movies, due primarily to John Williams and Christopher Reeve. The first one I saw in the theater too.