Binge Watch
The Skywalker Saga
Now that all nine movie are available to stream, I feel like it’s probably the best time to tackle the Skywalker Saga. The good, the bad, the ice cream makers, and the Gungan. Come on everyone, let’s make the Kessel Run!!

These movies have been around the entirety of my life, and, outside of my family, there’s nothing I love more.
You know I hate writing breakdowns though, so we’re just gonna go with a few categories for each. “I have a bad feeling about this” refers to the bonehead choices the Jedi make along the way, and “Never tell me the odds” are just silly questions that never get answered. Enjoy reading along as we make the Kessel Run together.
May the 4th be with you!!

Who saved the day
I’m not giving it to Anakin or Jar Jar. They BOTH lucked into their victories—and before you say it, that’s not how the force works. I’m tempted to say the Sith, since they managed to dupe the Jedi for decades. But I think the answer is Queen Amidala. She did cause a lot of the issues with her no-confidence vote, but she also rallied the Gungans and the trick with the body double worked SO MANY TIMES.

Two Jedi escape a hostile blockade to find allies and come across a young boy who may bring balance to the Force, but the long dormant Sith resurface to claim their old glory.
(Source: IMDB)
I have a bad feeling about this:
“I do not believe the Sith could have returned without us knowing.” Not a great look, Mace.
Never tell me the odds:
If Jar Jar was such a nuisance to Qui-Gon, couldn’t he have just used a Jedi mind trick to suggest he leave them alone?
Always two there are:
Darth Maul
Emperor Palpatine

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you."

R2's stolen data tapes:
Benicio Del Toro was originally set to play Darth Maul. Del Toro left the film after George Lucas took most of Maul’s lines out of the film. He finally joined the Star Wars franchise when he played DJ in Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi (2017).

Who saved the day
It’s 100% Wat Tambor and I’ll appreciate no slander on his name.

Ten years after initially meeting, Anakin Skywalker shares a forbidden romance with Padmé Amidala, while Obi-Wan Kenobi investigates an assassination attempt on the senator and discovers a secret clone army crafted for the Jedi.
(Source: IMDB)
I have a bad feeling about this:
“He couldn’t assassinate anyone. It’s not in his character.” Oh Mace, still so clueless.
Never tell me the odds:
Why is the Padme/Anakin dialogue so cringe-y? No one talks like this. Has George Lucas never met a person?
Always two there are:
Count Dooku
Emperor Palpatine

"Victory? Victory you say? Master Obi-Wan, not victory. The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun the Clone War has."

R2's stolen data tapes:
Just before Anakin goes to search for his mother on Tatooine, he has a conversation with Senator Amidala. The camera pans to their shadows as they talk, and Anakin’s resembles that of Darth Vader. According to the DVD commentary, the Vader-like shadow that Anakin casts was not a visual effect, but a coincidence.

Who saved the day
It’s Palpatine. He’s played them all for three movies now, and he suckers Anakin with EASE. My man is driving around in the creepy-ass “free candy” van and Anakin just hops right in.

Three years into the Clone Wars, the Jedi rescue Palpatine from Count Dooku. As Obi-Wan pursues a new threat, Anakin acts as a double agent between the Jedi Council and Palpatine and is lured into a sinister plan to rule the galaxy.
(Source: IMDB)
I have a bad feeling about this:
Padme tries to tell Anakin about the Senate, and that they “may be on the wrong side” and Anakin is all, LOLNAH.
Never tell me the odds:
Why does General Grievous have a heart?
Always two there are:
Count Dooku/
Anakin Skywalker
Emperor Palpatine

"Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is."

R2's stolen data tapes:
In the opening sequence when the second Separatist ship is destroyed, a piece of debris flies into the clone Star Destroyer that shot it. That piece of debris is a kitchen sink. It was put in there by Industrial Light & Magic as a joke from someone saying, “We’re throwing everything in the sequence, including the kitchen sink.”

Who saved the day
Han Solo. I still get chills to this day when he swoops in at the last second. “WOOS” and “WAHOOS” are the best part of Star Wars.

Luke Skywalker joins forces with a Jedi Knight, a cocky pilot, a Wookiee and two droids to save the galaxy from the Empire’s world-destroying battle station, while also attempting to rescue Princess Leia from the mysterious Darth Vader.
(Source: IMDB)
I have a bad feeling about this:
Never tell me the odds:
Always two there are:
Darth Vader
Emperor Palpatine

"This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times... before the Empire."

R2's stolen data tapes:
Peter Mayhew and David Prowse were given a choice as to which giant character they wanted to play, Chewbacca or Darth Vader. Mayhew wanted to play a good guy, and Prowse wanted to play a bad guy, so they ended up playing the matching characters.

Who saved the day

After the Rebels are brutally overpowered by the Empire on the ice planet Hoth, Luke Skywalker begins Jedi training with Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader and a bounty hunter named Boba Fett all over the galaxy.
(Source: IMDB)
I have a bad feeling about this:
Never tell me the odds:
How does Darth Vader eat?
Always two there are:
Darth Vader
Emperor Palpatine

"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship."

R2's stolen data tapes:
Originally in the asteroid scene, one of the asteroids was actually a shoe. The rumor is that George Lucas asked the visual effects people to redo the scene so many times that they got annoyed and one of them threw in his or her shoe. Later remastered versions have corrected this.
Another of the asteroids is actually a potato. It appears just as the Millennium Falcon first enters the field. Two asteroids travel from the top left to the bottom right corner of the screen. Just after the second asteroid leaves the screen a third one appears in the top left corner. This is the potato.

Who saved the day
No, it wasn’t the Ewoks. They were defending their land from foreign invaders.

After a daring mission to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt, the Rebels dispatch to Endor to destroy the second Death Star. Meanwhile, Luke struggles to help Darth Vader back from the dark side without falling into the Emperor’s trap.
(Source: IMDB)
I have a bad feeling about this:
Never tell me the odds:
In this—and in Revenge of the Sith—a Wookiee swings in on a vine, making the Tarzan yell. Does this mean that Tarzan exists in this universe??
Always two there are:
Darth Vader
Emperor Palpatine

"Remember, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware. Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny."

R2's stolen data tapes:
Admiral Ackbar’s famous line “It’s a trap!” was originally scripted as “It’s a trick!” The line was changed in post-production after a negative test screening.

Who saved the day

Three decades after the Empire’s defeat, a new threat arises in the militant First Order. Defected stormtrooper Finn and the scavenger Rey are caught up in the Resistance’s search for the missing Luke Skywalker.
(Source: IMDB)
I have a bad feeling about this:
Never tell me the odds:
Always two there are:
Kylo Ren
Supreme Leader Snoke

"The belonging you seek is not behind you... it is ahead. I am no Jedi, but I know the Force. It moves through and surrounds every living thing. Close your eyes... Feel it... The light... it's always been there. It will guide you."

R2's stolen data tapes:
Mark Hamill claimed George Lucas nonchalantly told him over lunch a new Star Wars trilogy was going to be made by Disney, and if he did not want to be involved, Luke Skywalker would simply be written out of the script. However, Hamill immediately agreed to reprise the role. Hamill admitted, however, that he pretended to also be nonchalant about it, so it didn’t seem like he was excited for the role. He also said within five seconds Carrie exclaimed she’d do it, and asked if there was a part for her daughter.

Who saved the day

Rey develops her newly discovered abilities with the guidance of Luke Skywalker, who is unsettled by the strength of her powers. Meanwhile, the Resistance prepares for battle with the First Order.
(Source: IMDB)
I have a bad feeling about this:
It took eight movies, but finally a Jedi realizes that maybe they aren’t the best role models for the galaxy.
Never tell me the odds:
The entire Canto Bight fiasco happened because… they didn’t park in the right place??
Always two there are:
Kylo Ren
Supreme Leader Snoke

"Pass on what you have learned. Strength. Mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is. Luke, we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters."

R2's stolen data tapes:
When filming, Laura Dern said “pew” every time she shot her blaster. Although not audible, one such instance even made it into the finished film. It can be noticed in the close-up shot when Holdo is stunning her opponents.

Who saved the day

The surviving members of the resistance face the First Order once again, and the legendary conflict between the Jedi and the Sith reaches its peak bringing the Skywalker saga to its end.
(Source: IMDB)
I have a bad feeling about this:
Never tell me the odds:
Hey guys, it’s me, Rose!! I’m here to say… aaaaaannnd I’m not in it anymore.
Always two there are:
Kylo Ren
Emperor Palpatine

"We've passed on all we know. A thousand generations live in you now."

R2's stolen data tapes:
When George Lucas originally laid out plans for 12 episodes, then reduced it to nine, he said that C-3PO and R2-D2 would be the only characters to appear in all nine. This proves to be true: Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, the only other characters to appear in every movie of the original and prequel trilogies, did not appear in the sequel trilogy. Anthony Daniels is the only actor to appear in all nine episodes.